Thursday, February 08, 2007

February 6th 2007 Daniel's Birth

It is with deep sorrow that I post this
blog. On Saturday 3rd Feb we went to the hospital because I had not felt Daniel move for 3 days. The doctors did a scan and could not find a heart beat. They induced me Saturday night and I eventually delivered Daniel at 5.03am Tuesday morning. We know without a shadow of a doubt that he has gone to be with the Lord which is such a blessing in the fact he did not have to suffer the sin of this world but we will miss him dearly but will never forget him and the joy that he brought in the short life that he had. How he kicked his mum and kept her from sleeping at night. How he responded to his dad when he talked to him. Precious memories. Also we got to spent time with him in the hospital which was such a blessing to us. He just looked like a little baby who was asleep. Do keep us in your prayers as right now this is what is giving us the peace and comfort that we have.

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