Hi all For thanksgiving we cooked a turkey that must have been 40-50lbs. It sure smelt good when it was done. We then brought it up to the dinner hall for family lunch at His Mansion. There were 4-5 other turkeys the same size done. We had left overs the next day and got to take extra turkey home for the weekend. This is us Thanksgiving day.
Just had a vacation in Maryland and a day in Virgina. Here are some pictures. One is Chris with his grandma and the other is his aunt's bird. Beautiful color but not so sure about the friendliness!!
On 6th October Chris and I went out leaf picture taking. Here is a picture just about 2 mile from us at the Mansion. I love the colors and the reflection. Made me wonder how often we reflect God as He should be reflected. Have to say I fail miserably a lot fo the time though He gives us a lot of grace in the fact that He put seasons in ourlives ot grow also.
Now at 7 weeks I am told the baby is the size of a rasberry. This isn't big yet but I guess with 7 months to go I'm glad of that!!!
Here I am on 9.2.06, 2 weeks pregnant. I had started to feel nauseous but no sickness yet. That didn't last long. Within a few weeks I was being sick in the mornings with nausea throughout the day.
Hi All We have decided to have a page where you can visit and keep updated on the progress of the pregnancy. It may not be a week to week thing but at least you will have some pictures to view and reports to read. Enjoy.